
Vacation Tips

I spent my past spring break in Austin, Texas attending South by Southwest. South by Southwest (SXSW) is an annual film, music and interactive festival that is held in downtown Austin for a week from the early morning to way past midnight. A normal day attending SXSW includes waking up around noon, showering and heading off to grab quick lunch. After lunch, you walk around town searching for events to attend and wait in line to get into the venue or convention. Once inside, you attend the show walking, jumping, singing, drinking and having fun. By night, you grab dinner and either attend after-parties or search for another show. You end the night around three or four in the morning; sleep and repeat everything again the next day. As you can imagine, after a week of attending SXSW events your body begins to hate you if you do not accurately take care of it. From drinking, eating out, walking, and staying up late all these activities can become very demanding on the body and it is essential know how to take care of it properly while still having fun.

After my experience, I believe that I have some valuable insight on how to survive this exciting, yet torturous festival. Here are a couple of tips on how to be healthier during physically and mentally demanding vacations:

1. Stay Hydrated
Hydration is very important for your health. Staying well-hydrated helps combat fatigue and is essential for many body functions. When dehydrated, you may experience muscle cramps and your body may shut down causing you to faint. Ending up in the emergency room instead of enjoying your vacation can be a real bummer, so make sure you stay hydrated. The best fluid for you consume is water, but some other great alternative include coconut water and iced tea. Try your best to keep a water bottle at hand while walking around the city, but if you cannot, try to take a sip from any water fountain you encounter.

Other great water alternatives: http://dailyburn.com/life/health/healthy-foods-stay-hydrated-without-water/ 

2. Eat A Balanced Meal
Most meals consumed during vacation is spent eating out at restaurants. It is important to explore local foods and experience the greatness of the city, but try not to go too out of hand. It is okay to have fries and a burger, but maybe not for every meal. While out at a restaurant, read the entire menu and balance out cheat meals with healthy meals. Look for meals containing more fruits, vegetable, and lean meats. Having well balanced meals during vacation can give you more energy and help nourish body for the adventure you have yet to come.

3. Stretch and Exercise
If your trip involved tons of walking, jumping and climbing be sure to stretch those muscles before and after your activities. It is important not to pull muscles and to stretch tense muscles to be able to ensure another day full of activities the next day. If your trip involves a lot of sitting around and eating, but sure to supplement you inactivity with exercise when you have a little free time. Enjoy the neighborhood and go for a run, download fitness apps to do quick at-home workouts, or go hiking with your friends and family to get some daily exercise. Doing this will help your body maintain wellness and avoid getting sick after your vacation.

Overall, it is easy to neglect your body while having fun during your vacations. Staying hydrated, eating right, and working the body is essential to keeping your body healthy. Being healthy during vacation will help give you energy and combat illness, ensuring a successful trip. Try your best not to neglect your body and it will try it's best to give you the vacation you deserve.


Journey of Jen

My name is Jennifer Le and I am currently twenty-two years old attending Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. I will be graduating on my birthday in May with a Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Science and Dietetics with a minor in Exercise Sports Sciences. I have recently been blessed with the opportunity to join Sam Houston State University's Combined Master of Science in Dietetics and Dietetic Internship Program. After graduation, I will pack my bags and head to Huntsville, Texas, where I will continue my dreams on becoming a Registered Dietitian. My long term goals include passing my RD exam, becoming a dietitian in my hometown, Carrollton, Texas, getting married, and eventually starting a family. All the gaps in between then will be filled with traveling, health and food.
This brings me back to my blog, "eat, exercise & explore." With this blog I plan to take you guys on a journey of my life and favorite hobbies. I plan on sharing stories, tips, recipes, trends, etc. So sit back and buckle up, as I take you the journey of Jen.